Hello, my name's Jamie. I'm an artist and writer who lives in the wilderness off-grid. I absolutely love this lifestyle.

It has been my dream to live this way since I was four years old.

I'm also a certified mental health & spiritual care professional, with 4 qualifications. Each one has 20 credit points at SCQF level 8.

I've built many online publications, and helped thousands through my online content. Even won mental health awards for some of them. I've also been in the news.

Some of my first videos on Instagram in 2018. Back then, I called it 'Passion Installation.' Then it was 'Untamed Advice.' Then 'Mindset Advice.' Now my IG handle is 'jamiehaswings.' I reinvented myself a lot back then.

Some of my adventures living in the forest from 2020. It's difficult. But makes you strong. My body and mind underwent an incredible transformation. And that's still happening, daily.

Since 2020 I've lived in the forest. I left everything behind. I had to learn to survive. But I did more than that. I'm now thriving. Freedom starts and ends in the mind. My art and writing help you do that.

If you haven’t already, click below to sign up to my J LETTER.


J Letter is short for ‘Jamie’s Letters’. It’s my online publication, newsletter, and broadcast website.

Call me old-fashioned, but I love the romance of sending paper letters with beautiful stories, illustrations, and poetry.

Although I’d love to do that, it’s not realistic from the wilderness.

Hence J Letter was born. That way I can still send out letters with all the goodness and positive vibes without drying out my tongue, licking a ludicrous amount of stamps.


I work on an art piece, once it’s done I write a story from my life, and then I record videos, and a podcast. The following Wednesday I dispatch all that content to my J Letter subscribers. Then the following Friday I publish the free version of that letter on this website.


Number 1 is the free newsletter, which contains the illustration with a 5% discount to get a framed print, a video of me creating the image, a wild story from my life, a podcast of my reading that story, and a freestyle spoken word poetry video on that topic. You can sign up for that here →

The second type is for my extra special subscribers. J Letter Extra Special gives you all of the above plus the discount is 10%, you get a free printable version of the illustration to print at home for free, and a special wellness video and sometimes I add a few secret things for good measure. You can get an extra special subscription here →